SHAREWARE: Super Bar V2.0 "Super Bar V2.0" is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, copy to bulletin boards, but do not alter the original ZIP file. WHAT IS SUPER BAR? Super Bar is designed for Windows 95. It provides a one click launch pad for up to 100 programs. A row of 10 icons are displayed. It provides convenience and cosmetic improvements over Windows 95's folder concept. Custom features include choice of colours and sizes of buttons. INSTALLING SUPER BAR: Unzip to any empty directory on your hard drive. Goto Control Panel...Add/Remove Programs. Browse and choose setup.exe. Follow instructions. After installation, the directory that contains the zip file contents can be deleted. UNINSTALLING SUPER BAR: Full uninstallation: Goto Control Panel...Add/Remove Programs. Choose "SuperBar v2.0" to uninstall. Then delete this file \windows\system\st4unst.exe. Manual uninstallation: Delete the directory that contains the program. Delete this file \windows\system\st4unst.exe. The following files in the \windows\system directory are run-time libraries and run-time control files that may be needed for your other installed programs. Delete them if you do not need them: ctl3d32.dll, mfc40.dll, msvcrt20.dll, msvcrt40.dll, olepro32.dll, stkit432.dll, vb40032.dll, comdlg32.ocx, grid32.ocx, msoutl32.ocx, ven2232.olb. RUNNING SUPER BAR v2.0: Note: Initially, Super Bar is installed in your Start Menu. 1) Right-click a button to install a new program. Hints:- Try launching a file with extension ".txt", ".wav", ".bmp", ".doc", ".bat", ".lnk" or ".pif". Try launching a folder: e.g. "c:\windows\media". For .lnk or .pif files, you have to type in the filename manually instead of using the browse button. 2) Left-click an button to launch the program. 3) Left-click or right-click the "frame" to display another row of icons. 4) There are three hot spots on the left portion of the frame. Left-click the top left corner and drage the whole "bar" to a new position on your desktop. Super Bar will remember the position next time it runs again. Move cursor to bottom left corner to pop up the "Exit" option. Left-click to save and exit. Right-click to exit without save. Move cursor to middle bottom of frame to choose "custom" option. 5) To remove an icon: In the 'select application path' window, enter a blank in the application pathname. Then select OK. 6) Do not try to edit the file superbar.ini. If it is corrupted, simply delete the file and run superbar again. Or rename the backup file superbar.bak to superbar.ini. KNOWN BUGS: 1) In the browse file window, it is not possible to choose a file in a system directory. In this case you have to type in the filename manually. WHEN YOU REGISTER: The shareware version can only save the first row of icons. In the registered version, Super Bar can save all ten rows of icons. Also when you register, you will get two bonus programs: a nice little CD Catalog program to keep track of your computer CD ROMs collection. Also a handy program to display all the icons in a DLL file. It display on the screen 96 icons at a time. Just go to Explorer, right-click a DLL file and select 'Open' to view the icons. To Register: Send $5 US to Sam Lam 7340 Perera Circle Sacramento, CA 95831 U.S.A. Only money order or check is accepted. Do not Send cash. FOREIGN REGISTRATIONS: Users registering from outside the USA should include an extra $2 US ($1 US from Canada) to cover the return postage. In this case, do not send stamps. DISCLAIMER: This software is provided "as is" without representation of warranty, either expressed or implied. The entire risk as to the use of this software is assumed by the user. In no event will the author of this software or his estate be liable for any damages direct, indirect, incidental or consequential resulting from any defect in the software.